A propos de Che Azenyui Bruno

  • Autres infos sur le porteur de projet

  • Genre Homme
  • Age 33
  • Région du candidat Sud-Ouest
  • Détails sur le projet

  • Nom de la start-Up Digifarms Africa
  • Nom du projet The Digifarms Agribus Project
  • Secteur d'activité Agriculture
  • Quelle est votre cible ? Low and middle income households in Cameroon. Petty scale agri-commodity producers
  • Description sommaire du projet ( 1000 mots max )
    The Digifarms Agribus Project is a food security and agricultural digitalization initiative that seeks to boast agricultural competitiveness, enhance production capacity and increase home consulting made-in-Cameroon Agricultural products. The project leverage the youthful nature of Cameroon's population, the country's rapidly growing rate of internet penetration and the wide expanse of arable land available nationwide to trigger a remarkable increase in local product consumption in Cameroon, facilitate market access for the country's agri-commodity producers and provide easier access to quality agricultural products for over 24 million agricultural products consumers in the country.
  • Quel problème résout votre projet ( 500 mots max )
    The project seeks to address four challenges faced by agricultural commodity producers and consumers in Cameroon today which include; High cost of Agriculture products caused by limited availability Heavy dependence on imported Agricultural products High rate of post-harvest crop loss caused by poor quality farm-to-market roads Over dependence on rudimentary tools and methods for Agricultural production and marketing in the country
  • Comment génère t-il des revenus ( 500 mots max )
    The project runs as a social Enterprise initiative. Income for the project is generated from a 20-30% profile margin imposed on all products marketed via the platform. Other sources of income for the project include sales of own Agricultural products, Agricultural consultancy, sales of corporate shares and Agricultural shows and competitions.
  • En quoi le projet est-il innovant ? ( 500 mots max )
    The project's innovative nature lies in it's heavy leverage of technology for the transformation and marketing of agricultural products. Our innovative adoption of door-to-door approach to product delivery also sets us apart from our competitors.
  • Lien de votre plateforme ( optionnel )
  • "Vous y êtes presque ! Sauvegardez vos données, puis poursuivez dans la section 'Téléverser votre projet'. Une fois terminé, allez dans 'Déposer sa candidature' pour postuler."

A propos de moi