A propos de Nkwain Kelvin

  • Autres infos sur le porteur de projet

  • Genre Homme
  • Age 17
  • Région du candidat Nord-Ouest
  • Détails sur le projet

  • Nom de la start-Up MIC
  • Nom du projet CHOPAM
  • Secteur d'activité Fintech Agropastoral
  • Quelle est votre cible ? Our target is Cameroonian packaged food producers
  • Description sommaire du projet ( 1000 mots max )
    Our project Chopam is an app that eases access to healthy Cameroonian packaged and our aim is to encourage farmers to process their food in other to prevent wastage by 1) Providing a platform where packaged food producers and display and sell their products 2)Every business being registered on the app must be certified by the government ensuring that the customers get nothing but the best 3)To boost the producers sales we have incorporated storytelling features whereby the producer shows the consumer how the product is made. 4) To Futher enrich consumer engagement the app provides recipes to different Cameroonian dishes that the user can access offline
  • Quel problème résout votre projet ( 500 mots max )
    The problems we identified are 1) Cameroonian packaged food producers find it difficult to make sales because the consumers do not know about their existence or where to find them. 2) Cameroonians are afraid of cunsuming locally made packaged food products because they are not sure of their quality 3) It is difficult for startups in the Cameroonian food industry to grow due to stiff competition from international companies
  • Comment génère t-il des revenus ( 500 mots max )
    We generate our revenue from 1)Transaction fees: By charging a percentage on each sale the producer makes on the app 2) Subscription fees: These are fees for optional subscription plans with more premium features such as targeted advertisements for their products.
  • En quoi le projet est-il innovant ? ( 500 mots max )
    I our app we aim to promote mainly Cameroonian food producers to make Cameroonians proud from cunsuming their own products without any stress or fear 1) All the food companies registered on app are owned and run by Cameroonians 2) All the businesses are to be registered under the Cameroonian government 3) we provide recipes to diverse Cameroonian dishes and It has  an An AI that the user can input his ingredients and get different Cameroonian recipes
  • "Vous y êtes presque ! Sauvegardez vos données, puis poursuivez dans la section 'Téléverser votre projet'. Une fois terminé, allez dans 'Déposer sa candidature' pour postuler."

A propos de moi